Friday, August 20, 2004

Spreading the good vibes, smelly hippy-style

Hey everybody. A few people said really nice things about the Can-Smashing Robot yesterday, which made me feel all warm and fuzzy, like a stuffed animal baked in a wood-fired oven until it bursts into flames. I don't believe in karma, but I do believe in that concept of the things you do coming back to you. What's it called? Karma? Yeah, karma. So here are some nice people I know who have interesting web sites that you should look at if you have access to the "information superhighway," a new invention that was invented last week by a team of world-class computer experts, focus groups, Al Gore, three hyper-intelligent Rhesus monkeys, and Jake Phelps, creator of the world's largest hot dog.
The previously mentioned Oh, my stars and garters is still worth checking out, even though it has been previously mentioned.
My friend Peter has a very funny site with illustrated true stories.
My brother, Nick, has a blog that he needs to update more often. Read it anyway. It's good.
My brother's lady friend, Mary, is the sole tour-de-force behind Pretty Good Things. Buy some of her hand-crafted items and check out her artwork and blog. Then buy some more of her stuff. There's also a link to my friend Jake's artwork on her site.
My lady friend's former coworker and friend to both of us, Traci, has recently jumped into the blogging game. Check it out.
My friend Angela has a sort-of blog, sort-of all kinds of stuff website about her life that is also worth checking out.
Finally, Receptionista is a stranger to me, but she said some really nice things about my site, and her site is very smart and funny, so look at it, too.
That's enough love to spread around for now. I will probably have to go kick a puppy so I can realign my evil half back to its former power.

Also, the robot-naming contest is on until I decide a winner, so submissions will still be accepted on Monday if I haven't picked anyone yet.

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