Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Jamborees and hootenannies

My brother has a new site for his blog. Look at it and learn about Jimmy Buffett impersonators and tambourines.
In an unrelated topic, I was thinking about my rant about what makes certain movies great art and others not. I was thinking specifically about a handful of directors I also love who don't share my aesthetic, who are in some cases completely opposed, and who I love anyway. I'm talking directors who are interested in one or more of these things: heavy symbolism, tricks and games, dislike of characters, big spectacles, etc. In some cases, such as Lars von Trier, who flits in and out of loving and hating his characters and seems to make both stylistic exercises and slippery, mysterious artworks about people, I just don't know where to put them. But I love them anyway:
David Lynch, Takashi Miike, von Trier, Martin Scorsese, Alfred Hitchcock, Orson Welles, Fritz Lang, Jean-Luc Godard (1960s and a handful of the others), Claude Chabrol, Quentin Tarantino (not a love, but a big like), Todd Solondz, Paul Thomas Anderson (though I think "Punch-Drunk Love" fits with my original great art definition), and several others. So, I guess what I'm saying is I'm a very contradictory person.
By the way, I highly recommend HEB's honey jalapeno rotisserie chicken, especially when it's dipped in homemade salsa.

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