Monday, August 23, 2004

Robot of the Week contest winner

Hey everybody.
I would like to thank all four participants in our first ever weekly robot naming contest: Joolie, Kristy, Emily the Tyrant, and Anonymous. I would like to congratulate our winner, Kristy, for naming the little guyborg. He will now be known as Immobilebot. Remember, she's shacked up with me, so she's ineligible for the monthly prize. The three of you big, fat losers are still eligible. I would also like to thank Anonymous for his mention of that future hit from yesteryear, "Sadbot." Possibly the finest song ever recorded by B.O.K.A.R.R. even though I didn't even play on it, it is available on Fat Fran Records' excellent compilation "B.O.K.A.R.R. Unplugged: Jesus, This Microphone Smells Bad." Don't look for it in record stores near you.
Congratulations, Kristy!

1 comment:

Spacebeer said...

Congratulations me!