Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Dare to dream

Gaze into the eyes of Rod Stewart. Now gaze into the eyes of the cat. Gaze once more into the eyes of Rod Stewart. Feel his magnetism, his shirtless charm. Stare deep into his armpit. You will never be as powerful as Rod Stewart, but, for the moment, dare to dream. Now you are in that bed. You are holding that cat. You are resting your golden mane against a giant, fluffy doily while a mere photographer snaps your iconic, heavenly image. You are a rock god. But, lo, the dream cannot last. You have awakened from your trance like a common coma victim. You are not Rod Stewart. Realize this, and weep. Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Josh? You're harshing my buzz.

Old Stallion said...

I can still be the cat though right? I mean, even if I cant be Rod Stewart I still get to be the cat that snuggles with Rod. Please don't take that away from me. Please.

Spacebeer said...

I think I'd like to be Rod Stewart's armpit -- I felt a real connection there when I was staring at it. Hypnotic really...

Anonymous said...

Holy moley! I never thought this would happen! This is the second time I have seen this picture today. The first time today was the first time EVER.

Since I just had my mind blown by Rod Stewart and I didn't really know how to deal with it I listened to some of his songs to see if I suddenly liked them. Result: I still think he sucks.

Anonymous said...

I am so much more than Rod Stewart.