Friday, March 16, 2007

Caption contest winner

I tried to post this hours ago, but the site was down. Anyway, thank you to all the contestants. The winter cap has spoken. This month's winner is AM. Congratulations, AM!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AM is thrilled with his random victory--and that the tripartite structure of the semi-anonymous AM's personality is represented by this lovely photo-montage.

Also, AM would like to mention that his saw these cats last Friday and basically shat his pants

and that the other people he dragged to witness said pants-shitting (3/4 of which had never heard of said musicians, 1/2 of which dislike the avant garde and the metal equally, and 1/4 of which had never seen a "rock show" before) all were similarly pants-ruined by the end of the show.

If these hep-cats come within 1500 states of your state, sell you CD collection and go. You owe it to your pants.