Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Reliving those wonderful memories

Hey everybody. I was doing a bit of spring cleaning when I chanced upon a few of my old blogs from yesteryear. I really enjoyed reliving those wonderful memories and, in a sudden burst of inspiration, thought that you might, too.  So, without any further ado, here's a blast from the past.  Hope you enjoy it, gang!
May 20, 1982:
Got up this morning and helped myself to a heaping helping of eggs and bacon! It tasted great! What a fantastic way to start my day. Then I shot a few hoops on the corner with my friend Julio. We argued over who was sexier, Olivia Newton-John or Karen Allen. I say Olivia. She can get physical with me any day of the week, believe you me. LOL! The evening was a bittersweet one, however, despite the greatness of my day. You see, it was the last episode of "Barney Miller." That show has been an absolute beacon. I don't know how we're going to get by without it. It's been there for me since 1975. It was a real tearjerker, too, with the 12th Precinct being declared a historical marker two weeks ago since it was a former office of Teddy Roosevelt. Some real estate developers are going to turn it into a museum, I guess. Barney retired, and the rest of the gang are going to be shipped off to other precincts. I haven't cried this much since Jack Soo died in '78. Oh well, that show has been a Godsend and it made the last several years even more fun. :)
December 7, 1941:
Oh my God. We were bombed by the Japs today at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. This is truly a day that will live in infamy. Could this mean war? Almost certainly, yes. Be strong, my fellow Americans.  : (                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1 Million Years B.C.:   Me stab great gray beast with horn. Stab it with rock. Me bring food back to cave. Me think woman going to get stabbed with my horn tonight. LOL!       

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