Sunday, August 06, 2006

August caption contest

I'm back from D.C. I had a great trip, but a horrible tale of airplane and airline woe occurred on our final day (which turned into days). That story to come. Here are three highlights from my trip:
1) I ate great food.
2) I saw a homeless man's dick when his pants fell down.
3) I drank at a bar that has 1,000 beers.

Here is the August caption contest photo. You all know the rules by now.


Spacebeer said...

Dr. Smellstein's theory that three out of five people won't be very in to making "handgun" motions in pictures was proven correct in this crucial piece of evidence.

Plop Blop said...

"Quickly, everyone point at the person or deity that you are in love with but does not love you! Alright, now chug!"

steigrrr said...

The plot device known as a "Midwestern Standoff" is also sometimes reffered to as the "Norwegian Standoff" due to its common use in the little-known film subgenre that emerged in St. Boniface, MN in the mid-1950s called the "Lutefisk Western." Unlike the commonly used "Mexican Standoff," which galvanizes an audience's attention by increasing suspense, the Midwestern Standoff quickly fell into disfavor when it became clear that it contributes little more to a story than a sense of mild-mannered goofiness and good-natured confusion.

steigrrr said...

Uh, I mean, "referred to," not "reffered to." I could stand to spell-check, as well.

Rustle said...

White people don't know how to pantomime holding a pistol. Its a known fact.