Rules: Post a photo caption in comment form for this blog entry. July 15 is the last day to enter. A winner will be drawn out of a hat on the 16th. The winner gets a lovingly hand-crafted, wood-fired, flame-broiled compilation CD forged from the darkest recesses of Dr. Mystery's loins and/or psyche. The CD will also have a limited-edition-of-one cover. It is possible that the CD will contain at least one song by Hollywood legend Eddie Murphy. It is also possible that this will most decidedly not be the case. You can't win if you don't play. Good luck, losers.
Henry Kissinger goes to a party in a tree house and embarasses himself more than ever before while doing a keg stand.
The first party of the season proved what she already knew from her painted toenails to her hairspray: it was going to be a red hot Corvette Summer!
I know I'm not eligible to win twice in a row, and this isn't even a caption, but I just had to note that the girl in the middle looks disturbingly like one of my cousins. Weird.
Three freshman partiers have obviously not yet realized that they can go to Fraternity House X and discreetly check out dude's asses in the mirror stationed on the right, thereby saving an appearance of horny desperation.
"The Miss Nebraska Pageant, 2003"
Tanya's friends totally knew it would happen. Totally. But she was so bummed that she lost the bet like five minutes after they got to the party! I mean, come on, who would suspect that her "shirt" was actually just a tablecloth she stole off her granny's patio furniture and secured with a safety pin? DeeAnna totally tipped that dude off. Look how smug and guilty she looks behind that Bud Light.
(Clearly, these girls like to "party all the time." I am keeping my fingers crossed. I want that CD.)
Porkrinds, stage left!
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