1. "Now We're Talkin' Yellow" by The Colour Lovers UK
2. "72 Turkeys" by Too Many Turkeys
3. "Swamp Ass (In Mid-July)" by Southside Sonny & The Port Authority Pranksters
4. "I'm Sick of Todd" by Todd's Neighbors
5. "Crank It Up (And Rock)" by Ruff Stuffing
6. "My Feet Are Possessed By Dancing Ghosts" by Terrified Barbara
7. "Road Trippin' On PCP" by Bong Sweater
8. "Road Trippin' on PCP Part 2" by Bong Sweater
9. "Now You're Feeling Wonderful" by Positive Michael
10. "Your Whole Family Died in a Trampoline Mishap" by The Indelicate News Breakers
11. "You'll Never Get Tired of This One" by Permanent Enjoyment
12. "It Gets Worse" by Future Adult
13. "70s Livin' (Is Just Alright With Me)" by Bucky & Sweetums
14. "Open Bar Doesn't Mean You Can Grab a Bottle of Scotch and Take It Home, Gary" by Sir Elton John
15. "Metal Machine Music, Side 4" by Carole King
16. "The Boys Are Back At It Again Once More" by Tan Lazlo
17. "Archipelagos in the Ocean of My Emotions" by Randy & Rhandy
18. "The Year Is 1977 and That Will Never Change" by The Calendar Dummies
19. "Is a Potato?" by The Third Cerebellum
20. "Nine Ways to Party" by 10 Ways to Party
21. "Hey, Jeff!" by There's Jeff
22. "Moving (Forward) By Moving Backwards (To the Side)" by Negative Sweat Ltd.
23. "Everybody Listen To This" by Bossy Pricks
24. "Copyright Infringement" by The Welcome Back Kotters
25. "This Can of Expired Peas Is Probably Okay To Eat" by Whisperin' Kip Simmons
26. "Bloodletting of the She-goat in the Burning Forest of the Succubi" by Betty Johnson
27. "This BBQ Stand Is Closed on Monday" by Disappointed Todd
28. Parade magazine read by my computer's text-to-speech software
29. "Beep Boop Bop (Computers Are Here)" by Floppy & The Disks
30. "Your Life Is Kinda Stupid" by Honest Rod & The Blunt Talkers